Category: Reflections

Just the tip

People that have made a living as a server in their lives, not only tip well, but also are disgusted by those that don’t. I believe that tipping is also a measure of performance and if the service is shitty,

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Guys Named Todd

George Carlin, for some reason, has a problem with my name. Fortunately, I don’t feel as though I resemble his remarks. Still funny nonetheless! The name Todd originates as a surname deriving from the Middle English “tod” or “todde” meaning

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Labor Day

Labor Day* is celebrated this coming Monday. This brought me back to a conversation that was once had during my days at Harbour Light Productions. Josh: Do we get Veteran’s Day off? Bill: Are you a Veteran? end of conversation.

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Don’t change.

When I was a Freshman in college 1987, Fletch (starring Chevy Chase) had been out for 2 years. One of my favorites from the movie, “(Don’t Change)..I think you should stay the same wonderful person you are today” jumped into

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Throwing Caution to the Wind

I have respect for the wind, especially on the water. With respect also comes an understanding, a friendship if you will. When friends like this get together, you just never know what’s going to happen. You know how it is-

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Flying HIGH

People like to fly. I talked with some folks from a place called California who do it for a living and as a way of life. We met at San Juan Island Quest 2013. After the big race, we were

Risky Business

I’m excited to be in our second year of business. We have a strong board, passionate staff and a bunch of cool friends. The year ahead will be an interesting one, for sure. Our hearts and minds are in the

What Little Girls Wish Daddies Knew

This was sent to me. I’d like to share and be able to reference it myself. Proud to say that I think I’m doing pretty well! It’s all about the love. 1. How you love me is how I will

Freedom’s Pyramid

The first thing that my divorce lawyer recommended after I explained my situation to her was to read a book. I have spent the past two years using this as a reference. While the image below is just the graphic

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The Good, the Well and the Ugly.

The Good, The Bad and the Ugly. Wikipedia.  Watch movie. What I wanted to get at is the good & the well that brings out the ugly. It cracks me up when you (I) run into people (most of us
