Potty Mouth

Daddy’s Girl. We (Me & V) are constantly evaluating the language we use to communicate with one another (and the rest of the world).  I encourage Violet to embrace the nuances of writing, reading and speaking. And swearing. There’s a time and a place for everything. I’m currently working on explaining the power of the “F word”. If you don’t know what the “F word stands” for it’s FUCK.The nice thing about he “F word” is that it doesn’t really attack anybody like the “N word” and other “inappropriate” references. 

Enough about ME & V. This is about GIRL POWER. Equality YO!

Girls Just Wanna Have FUNdamental Rights.

Go Girls!

BTW- My favorite polite swear word currently is Shuksan. It merges two of the best into one, while also calling out a cool peak.

The Tonight Show – 2015 Mancuso Christmas

People in our family like to entertain. Sometime we entertain others, but mostly we enjoy amusing ourselves. We’ve been doing it since we were kids, gathering together for the holidays and putting on shows for our parents. In 2015, “The Cousins” decided that we wanted to get the “Mancuso Kids” on the stage- it was also a great way to document some of the stories in our family tree.

Thank you to “Bob the non-blood” for filming.

The Lone Ranger’s Creed

The Lone Ranger’s Creed.

I believe…

  • That to have a friend, a man must be one.
  • That all men are created equal and that everyone has within himself the power to make this a better world.
  • That God put the firewood there, but that every man must gather and light it himself.
  • In being prepared physically, mentally, and morally to fight when necessary for what is right.
  • That a man should make the most of what equipment he has.
  • That ‘this government of the people, by the people, and for the people’ shall live always.
  • That men should live by the rule of what is best for the greatest number.
  • That sooner or later…somewhere…somehow…we must settle with the world and make payment for what we have taken.
  • That all things change but truth, and that truth alone, lives on forever.
  • In my Creator, my country, my fellow man.[15]

GO Green! Bellingham St. Patrick’s Day Parade

Saturday, March 12th
12:00 pm
St. Patrick’s Day Parade
Bellingham, WA

Start: 1821 Cornwall Ave, Bellingham, WA 98225

Finish: Boundary Bay Brewery

I was bestowed the honor of being selected as the Grand Marshal of the 2016 Bellingham St. Patrick’s Day Parade. Violet is being honored as the first Grand Marshalette!

You are invited to join us on Saturday, March 12th walking the parade route.

Please join me and Violet as we GO GREEN and celebrate BELLINGHAM, walking in the 7th Annual Bellingham St. Patrick’s Day Parade on Saturday, March 12th at high noon.

Plan to wear fun costumes and bring the bling! Hand out candy, ride your bike, bring an instrument and make some noise! Follow our Rules: Be SAFE, Have FUN & Show RESPECT.

BhamPaddyParadeThe parade is Saturday, March 12th at noon. Lineup will start at approx. 11am in the parking lot in front of Woodsmiths at the corner of Cornwall and Ohio St. Kitty-corner to Bellingham High School. 1821 Cornwall Ave, Bellingham, WA 98225

The length of the parade is expected to be around 45 minutes.

Parade organizers are welcoming all businesses, as well as community groups, non-profit organizations, neighborhood associations, sports teams, bands, etc. Participation for any business or group in the parade is FREE.

If you are interested in sponsoring the event sponsorship levels start for as low as $100. Sponsors will be recognized on the website, via facebook, on event posters and ads for the parade. We appreciate all the support we can get to pull off this fun community event. If interested, email jenny.stpatsbham@gmail.com.

Please help us plan ahead by registering your group HERE.

See you on March 12th!!




Christmas in February!

A shout out to our friend April. We finally celebrated Xmas (in Feb) and appreciate the gifts we received. In our fashion, we’d prefer to shout from the mountain tops (or in this case the interwebs) our thanks for April’s love and support. 

Thank you April. Happy V Day!

2016 Bellingham St Patrick’s Day Parade Sashing Ceremony @ Boundary Bay

We were honored today to be “Sashed” as the Grand Marshal (s) of the 2016 Bellingham St. Patrick’s Day Parade. Here’s some of the fun we had…

The Intro (be prepared to tilt your head or phone):

The Sashing:

It’s a parade!


Me and the V:


See you on March 12th!


My writing gig – part two

I just finished my 2016 recreation blog calendar for Bellingham.org.  Excited to share new adventures and meet some new friends. See my latest Bellingham.org Insider Recreation Blog stories and photos at Bellingham.org/ToddElsworth.


Start at the beginning My writing gig (Feb 2013- March 2014)

Or enjoy the latest (April 2014 – Dec 2015)

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Celebrating Beau Hamilton (aka Scott’s Dad)

Childhood Friends, 

As you may remember, my best friend growing up was Scott Hamilton. We did everything together. Our childhood was filled with playing soccer & basketball, chasing & kissing girls (okay, maybe that was just me) and camping out with the scouts. Our families took road trips together. Fun trips.

We were brothers- from separate mothers AND Fathers! Yes, our dads were BROS too. Sure, it was Todd Elsworth and Scott Hamilton usually up to something- but right there behind us was Ken and Beau supporting us. They sure had their hands full!! Together, Ken & Fran and Bonnie & Beau raised us.

Beau, recently died. He had been sick for awhile. He is now resting in peace. I am honored to have had him as a role model and mentor in my childhood. I would best describe Beau as a mullet of a man. Business up front and party in the back. He demonstrated the coolness of a professional businessman and the silliness of a prankster at the appropriate times.

For many of us Kirkland kids from Helen Keller, Kamiakin and Juanita, the Hamilton’s opened their homes and their hearts so we would have a place to come together and be safe. I cherish the time that they allowed us to spend together in their homes.

Services for Beau Hamilton will be held Friday, January 8th 1:00 pm at Bellevue Presbyterian Church. Come celebrate his life.

These are a collection of photos that remind us of the bright light that burned within Beau and shone on us all. OK, the photos are grainy but you get the picture… 😉




The Folks


Beau Hamilton



Fear itself.

Why My State Won’t Close it’s Doors to Syrian Refugees

Penned by my Governor in an OP-ED to NYT.

My favorite quote is at the end, which means that you’ll have to read his entire essay to completely comprehend the context. “fear can be overcome”. Yes, they can. Governor Inslee includes in his patriotic reminder that:

America has been swayed by fear before. And we’ve lived to regret it. My home is on Bainbridge Island, a small island across Puget Sound from Seattle. It was the first place in the nation where Japanese-Americans were subjected to President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s Civilian Exclusion Orders. These Washingtonians were marched to the docks by soldiers and sent to internment camps.

We have behaved badly in the past. Let’s be nicer to our neighbors in the future.



Cattle Call on San Juan Island, WA

Cattle Point, San Juan Island, WA. USA
