Author: Todd Elsworth
Family Man, Explorer, Entrepreneur, Writer, Artist, Outdoor Enthusiast and Recreation Advocate.

ULTRAViolet Sparks

In the dark ULTRAViolet  cotton pad and jelly add a spark You’ve got fire!

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Helen Ayres

Helen was an incredible lady who lived a life that represented her Swedish and Greek heritage. What a combination and what an outcome in this lady we so loved.             Her Swedish side showed itself in her strong independence and

I Am – Violet E.

I AM I am adventurous and friendly. I wonder how the people back 3,000 years ago felt when they were in the solar eclipse I hear the sound of my dog sprinting across the fresh grass I see the tree

My writing gig – part three

As 2017 comes to a close, here’s the list of stories I enjoyed writing for playing in Whatcom County.  My writing gig – part two.  My writing gig – take one.  Basecamp Bellingham: Stephen Ettinger – Professional Cyclist, 22 Nov

German student looking for a Host in Bellingham

Dear Bellinghamsters (or other Washingtonians that live in a place as cool as the Ham), Let’s give a kid from Germany a warm welcome to America, through the lens of our Bellingham bubble! Caspar M. lives in Odenthal, Germany and

Bellebrity for 15

Marla Bronstein dubbed the name, Bellebrity- aka, local Bellingham celebrity. We’re a relatively small town, when you get at the heart of it and I’ve had my hand (and mouth) in enough projects that it caught the eye of a

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You Heard it Here First, Folks!

Here’s some early Violet TV. We had gone up to “Mountain Baker” for some backcountry sledding (full story). When we got back, the hot chocolate was, well, NOT. To the ski area we went! Violet was warming up to the

Chummin’ up Chuckanut Creek

Laid to rest atop a rock muttering last words cycle continues

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Life in the Slow Lane

Slug cruising along in the slow lane on Highway 20 Westbound.  

Ladder Creek Falls Colors
